Wednesday 17 March 2010

STAR WARS (Or Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, for the Pedantically-Challenged.)

Starring Harrison Ford


Swords made of light. A hovering car. Spaceships that scream. A severed arm on a bar-room floor. A gun the size of the moon, blown up by a farmhand with the voice of an ancient religious fanatic in his head. Nearly being crushed to death in an ocean of shit and refuse. A gay, English butler made of gold. Harrison Ford. Rescuing a princess. Midget scavengers. All the best lines given to a character only capable of emitting beeps and whistles. The phrase ‘Millennium Falcon’. Charred corpses. People called Biggs, Wedge and Han. A gigantic walking shag carpet that emits guttural, existential sobs and carries a rapid fire crossbow. Something called a ‘Moff’. The greatest score by a composer known for a large heap of greatest scores. Alec Guinness. Killing a smuggler by blasting a white hot laser into his alien testicles. Running and shouting. An extra banging his head on a door. A walking bin. A strong, independent Princess who maims and cusses whilst wielding the most improbable haircut in this or any or galaxy. ‘Let’s blow this thing and go home.’ A respiratory-impaired eight foot gimp with the power to strangle you with his thoughts. War, in the STARS.

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