Saturday 31 December 2011


Starring Tatsuya Mihashi


  He’s killed Larry David, given Penelope Cruz an Oscar for a disintegrating mind, made Colin Farrell cry tears of inadequacy and had Ian McShane sit on a fake boat. He’s talked duality and sexual dysfunction endlessly, whilst essaying his own decaying talent in the broadest strokes of comedy imaginable. There’s been crap, and more crap, and jazz guitar and crap again and an attempt to deconstruct himself that’s ended in a heart attack and a whore and Billy Crystal stoking the coals as Satan. He’s tried a musical with people who can’t sing. He’s done Greek Tragedy in central Manhattan. He’s terrible. He’s brilliant. He’s tried to rekindle old romance, got divorced, run from a man with an awesome chokehold and given drugs to a damaged wife. He loves Russian literature, and women. There are sad memories, and happy ones, weird performances and weird characters, while he’s sucked helium and blacked up, all in the name of comedy. His earlier ones are better. There’s sex there, and failure, with love and despair and love again, all filmed with a master’s eye and a romantic’s heart. He’s taken on sacred cows and tripped over giant banana skins, he’s been a sperm and caused a revolution. His first film consists of two 1960s Japanese action movies jammed together with the audio track ripped out, while he and a group of friends sit around smoking pot and making up funny things for the actors to say. It’s about egg salad, and the main character shouts ‘SARACEN DOG!’ a lot. Woody Allen is every kid pissing about on YouTube today, he’s a genius and an auteur and the world’s lucky to have him. 

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