Thursday 2 December 2010



Starring Robert Downey Jr.


M… Or D if there’s some sort of brown bag full of green money available.

Blame Simon Cowell. One man’s insane, successful crusade to place his own wealth above the cultural interests of an entire country has led to an interesting/terrifying national craze: steadily redefining the boundary of what ‘great’ means! It’s a good thing – by lying every Saturday night in front of an audience of millions, one man has managed to pick up the goalposts of cultural achievement and throw them eighty-six thousand miles out of the stadium and into outer space, creating a newer, better world. Things that were once ‘good’ are now ‘great’. Things that were ‘great’ are ‘genius’. ‘The Hangover’ was ‘the funniest film of the year’. ‘Due Date’ is ‘the funniest film since The Hangover’. And so it continues; money has finally triumphed over reality itself and it’s laughing all the way to the bank. Due Date is alright. It’s funny, in bits. People laughed. People were silent a lot as well. People checked their phones, and kissed, and wandered off to the toilet. During the funniest film of the year. It’s not of course; it’s a carefully constructed piece of play-safe cinema cash-grab with likeable actors and overblown set-pieces. But money says its ‘great’ and damn-hell-ass do we love money; money says don’t care that the characters aren’t well drawn enough for us to care about them, money tells us that it doesn’t matter that the film’s not funny enough to make it work as pure comedy. It’s fine. It’s alright. Which, in this brave new world, means it’s the BEST. FIVE GOLD STARS I LOVED IT FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY THE PERFECT WEEKEND TREAT YOU’LL LAUGH UNTIL TEARS RUN AWAY FROM YOUR FACE AND TAKE YOUR LOVED ONES HOSTAGE IN A GIANT TANK DESIGNED TO HOUSE TEARS AND DROWN FAMILILES BUT THEY WON’T CARE BECAUSE THEY’LL BE LAUGHING SO HARD EIGHT THUMBS UP

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