Friday 18 March 2011



Starring Robert Hays



It’s like going back to choke Hitler. Prior to his immolation phase Der Fuhrer was probably the funniest comedian in hyper-inflation Berlin, his act being a Borat-style deranged artistic failure with a penchant for buggery. His subsequent unveiling as a deranged racist mass-gasser puts him straight in line for a Timecop style proto-throat-slit, if it weren’t for the strength of his dancehall act. Hmm. Airplane! (The exclamation mark is law) faces roughly the same problem. Funny as heck with a joke rate of eight per second it sits high up in small pantheon of genuinely chucklesome films by chucking every amusing thing the writers could ever think of at the screen and hoping they explode. It’s fast, it’s utterly ridiculous and it still stands up today. But… it’s responsible for Scary Movie. And Date Movie. And Disaster Movie. And the suicides of eighty four esteemed film critics worldwide. Vampires Suck alone is known to have caused tumors in every one of Roger Ebert’s white blood cells whilst Meet the Spartans killed Pauline Kael during the scene where they reference that thing from six years ago… that thing… it was in the news? Pure blind evil the lot of them, bleach in the eyes and venom in the ears.

So what to do? Just stick to the original. As always, the answer is to create your own reality and block out whatever those weird box office figures are watching. Who are they? Are they real? Are they that stupid? Hail Nielson!

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