Sunday 30 January 2011



Starring Holly Hunter



Something for everyone, assuming you love love and/or hate the gradual disintegration of TV news into a gurning nightmare of primary colours and dogs balancing tat on their ears. One the one hand Broadcast News is a perfectly pitched, scripted and acted love triangle, all identifiable emotions and quip-happy characters; on the other claw it’s the documented beginning of the television going insane in a desperate attempt to keep a monopoly on telling us things. Asking big questions of surface over substance and integrity over success it answers them with a resounding shrug and a humanity that’s sorely lacking in most films of its dilapidated genre, being a rom com that’s both huggable and laughable. Remember The Simpsons? It was this amazing show back in the early nineties that had an almost uncanny grasp of how society scrambled to function, the little foibles and tics between people that made modern life cheerily grim, but all done with yellow people who only had three fingers. Three fingers! Genius. Anyway, Broadcast News is made by one of those long lost creators of Simpthing, James L. Brooks, and as such it covers the same sort of ground that that short-lived, masterful show covered, be it genuinely touching relationships between men and women or careful, considered satire against a world that’s getting indelibly out of touch with itself. If you’re interested in either of these, you’re probably a human being and should watch it, it’s good. If you’re not, there’s always punching people in the face and eating jelly to get your rocks off. Ah Simpsons…A good thing the show was cancelled really, if it had continued it’d have gotten OH GOD THERE’S A RADIOACTIVE APE IN MY CAR GET IT OFF GET IT OFF THIS IS RIDICULOUS AND INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS

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